S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V., commercially know as SANKI, has a zero tolerance Anti-SPAM policy. Any user sending unsolicited e-mails and/or posting in social media content against SANKI’s policies, using any of S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s registered trademarks, website, or the trademarks or websites of any of its products and/or the name of any of its members, employees, legal representatives and/or its collaborators, which is not a link to S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s official website, such page, e-mail and/or social media post may be immediately canceled from any or all of the on-line services provided by S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V. and its business partners. 

Any user who, due to any violation of this Anti-SPAM Policy, damages S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s servers, or causes any commercial loss or, in any other way, provokes an interruption to the flow of normal operations and services, shall be held accountable for such damages and/or commercial losses. 

Additionally, it is hereby expressly acknowledged that all intellectual rights related to S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE. C.V.’s products, logos, trademarks, brand names, designs, brochures, flyers, and other materials, whether printed out or digital, are entirely its property, therefore users shall always observe these policies and any other applicable policies and intellectual property laws. Such designs, brand names or trademarks, etc. property of S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V., shall not be used in any brochure, web site, e-mail address, magazine, pamphlet, flyer, stationery material or any other kind of electronic or advertising material, without S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V. previous written authorization, therefore its use by a third party shall not imply its transmission, transference and/or authorization to use the abovementioned rights. Any person who uses S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s designs, brand names, trademarks, etc., without S&M BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s previous authorization, may be penalized with the sanctions provided by the applicable law and by S&M BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s internal policies, in which case S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V. may implement any and all of the applicable administrative, civil and/or criminal measures and procedures. Under the terms of this Policy, all users of any of S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s designs, brand names, trademarks, etc., expressly commit to do not produce, fabricate, promote, distribute, or sell any merchandise similar to that pertaining to S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V., or any other products which may mislead consumers and clients. In the event of any breach to the terms herein provided, S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V. will be entitled to exercise all administrative and legal actions available to it, committing, whoever turns out responsible, to compensate S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V., to its entire satisfaction, and to hold S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V. harmless at any moment. 

For the purposes of this Policy, the following actions constitute Spam or Spamming: 

  • Sending any e-mail, fax and/or posting content in social media, which in any way infringes the policies herein established, and which communication or post includes any of S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s registered trademarks, or its web site address, or any of its commercial brands or our business partners’ web site addresses, as an initial contact advertisement sent to, or viewable by, anyone.
  • Sending any e-mail, fax and/or posting content in social media, which in any way infringes the policies herein established, and which communication or post includes any of S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s registered trademarks, or its web site or its commercial brands or our business partners’ web site addresses, to someone who has not previously requested such information.
  • Sending any e-mail, fax and/or posting content in social media, which in any way infringes the policies herein established,  and which communication or post includes any of S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s registered trademarks, or its web site or its commercial brands or our business partners’ web site addresses, to any kind of “safe distribution list” or through any kind of service delivering such information to “safe distribution lists”.
  • Sending any e-mail, fax and/or posting content in social media, which in any way infringes the policies herein established, and which communication or post includes any of S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s registered trademarks, or its web site or its commercial brands or our business partners’ web site addresses, resulting from a publication made in a classified advertising site, guestbook, or website links.

This Anti-SPAM Policy may be amended or modified, from time to time, at S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s sole discretion. All amendments, including those made to comply with any applicable laws and regulations, will be effective as from the date in which such amendments are published in S&M NANO BIOTECHNOLOGY, S.A. DE C.V.’s web site.